
David McKenney
Director of Technology

(860) 228-2577

The technology department for Hebron Public Schools supports staff, students, and administration. Support and maintenance of computers, tablets, network equipment, wireless access points, printing, telephones, projectors, smartboards, portable radios and security systems are the responsibility of this department.

The Hebron Board of Education provides all third grade students entering Hebron Elementary School with a new Chromebook. This device will stay with the student until they graduate Hebron Elementary School, then will be repurposed for use by second grade students at Gilead Hill School, and then ultimately used as replacement parts for other devices. Students in grades K-1 are issued iPads as part of the district’s plan to support grades K-6 with 1:1 devices.

Data Privacy

The district is committed to protecting privacy and ensuring that every student develops strong technological skills in order to function adequately in our 21st century world. The district complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Connecticut Student Data Privacy Act (PA 16-189) in order to safeguard student data.

Compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is achieved through the iBoss web filtering platform.

Hebron Board of Education policies with regards to privacy:

5002 Confidentiality and Access to Education Records All software in use by the district must be vetted and approved before use. Software listed below is approved for district use. To add an item to the list, please submit a helpdesk ticket.

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