Hebron Public Schools Food Services Program helps students succeed by creating a healthy and happy eating environment for active and growing learners. We prepare nutritious, safe and appealing meals that promote a healthy and balanced diet. All meals served must meet all State of Connecticut and USDA nutrition standards. We look forward to providing meals for your family.
Meal Prices
Breakfast: $1.60
Lunch: $3.25
Milk: $0.60
Free and Reduced Applications
Households who qualify for free/reduced-priced meals should submit an application, available in the left hand navigation bar of this webpage.
Frequently Asked Questions below:
1. Can the food service program accommodate my child's dietary restrictions?
YES! The Hebron Board of Education complies with the federal requirements for meal modifications for children with special dietary needs. For more information, please contact the Food Services Manager, Lisa Bennett at 860-228-2577.